
SGPA Calculator and to percentage converter of vtu 2024

Calculate your SGPA Grade on SGPA Calculator and also convert your sgpa to percentage on SGPA Calculator and SGPA converter of VTU 2024

SGPA Calculator and sgpa to percentage converter of vtu 2024

Convert SGPA to Percentage

To calculate your Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for a single semester at VTU, you can use the VTU SGPA Calculator available for the Single Semester 2024 on notes2free.com

Enter your marks of each subject

Subject 1
Result will appear here

What is an SGPA-to-Percentage Calculator?

Simply put, a calculator is used to compute a given value via mathematical procedures. Similarly, an SGPA-to-percentage calculator is a tool or particularly developed calculator that converts semester grade point average (SGPA) grade points to percentages. These conversions are commonly utilized in the educational industry.

What is the SGPA?

The full name for SGPA is Semester Grade Point Average. Institutions utilize this grading criterion to grade students' performance over the course of the semester. Colleges and universities are the most likely to adopt SGPA, but it is not universal. As a result, students frequently require or request a calculator to convert their SGPA points into percentages.

How to Calculate SGPA?

The results of each subject in a course are often expressed in terms of credit points. Before translating these credit points into percentages, students must first calculate their semester-specific SGPA.

  1. Step 1: Write down all of the credit points for the subjects listed on your performance report.
  2. Step 2: Multiply the credit point for each topic by its grade point.
  3. Step 3: Add the results of the multiplications for each subject.
  4. Step 4: Total the credit points for each subject.
  5. Step 5: Divide the result from Step 3 by Step 4.
  6. Step 6: The obtained result will be used to calculate your semester SGPA.

Calculate Your Semester Grade Point Average

To calculate your VTU SGPA, input the marks for each semester and click on "Calculate." Your SGPA will be computed and shown.

The formula for VTU SGPA calculation is:
Σ(Ci x Gi) / Σ Ci

Gi = Grade point of the ith course
Ci = Number of Credits for the ith Semester

The VTU credit system is structured to ensure a fair and accurate assessment of students' academic performance. Each course is assigned a certain number of credits based on its complexity and workload. The grading system typically ranges from A+ (10 points) to F (0 points), with intermediate grades having corresponding grade points.

Formula for Calculating/Converting SGPA to Percentage

The formula for calculating percentage values from SGPA points is provided here:

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

To simplify the calculation, the formula above can be broken into two steps:

  1. Step 1: SGPA x 10
  2. Step 2: (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

How Do I Convert SGPA to Percentage?

To obtain the total outcome of your qualifying course in %, you must first compute the SGPA of all semesters using the points specified above. Add the SGPA points from all semesters to calculate the overall SGPA.

After you get the total SGPA value, enter it into the SGPA to % conversion algorithm to obtain your performance grade in percentage value.

Grade S A B C D E F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 4 0
Marks 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 45 - 59 40 - 44 0 - 39
Performance Outstanding Excellent V. Good Good Above Average Poor Fail
Percentage of MarksLetter Grade as per UGC GuideleinesGrade Points
90-100%O (Outstanding)10
80-90%A+ (Excellent)9
70-80%A (Very Good)8
60-70%B+ (Good)7
50-60%B (Average)6
40-50%C (Pass)5
Below 40%F (Fail)0

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA

CGPA is an abbreviation for Cumulative Grade Point Average, which measures a student's achievement across an academic year. The SGPA represents a semester's performance grade. CGPA can be derived from SGPA by adding together all of the SGPA numbers for each semester and dividing by the total number of semesters.

For example, if a student's SGPA in the first and second semesters is 6 and 8, respectively, the CGPA will be calculated as:

CGPA = (SGPA of Semester 1 + SGPA of Semester 2) / (Sum of Semesters)

        = (6 + 8) / (1 + 1)
        = 14 / 2
        = 7